Once again, the festival has invited well-known personalities to participate in the debates, such as Michel Warschawski, Bernard Hourcade, Samir Aita, Elias Sanbar and more.
The Debates and Panelists
Friday, 29 November at 20:30 : Opening Night
Leila Shahid (General Delegate of Palestine to the EU),
Michel Warschawski (founder of the Alertnative Information Center)
Dominique Vidal (historian, journalist)
Saturday, 29 November at 20:30 : What's Changing in Iran
Bernard Hourcade (Ex-director of international research team at CNRS)
Monday, 2 December at 20:30 : Syria: What's next?
Samir Aita (Member of the Syrian Democratic Forum and President of «démocratie et entraide en Syrie»)
Tuesday, 3 December at 20:30 : Where is Egypt headed?
François Pradal (Journalist, Ex-director of the French Center Héliopolis)
Wednesday, 4 December at 20:30 : In the Midst of Chaos in Libya
Patrick Haimzadeh (Researcher, Ex-French Diplomate in Tripoli)
Thursday, 5 December at 20:30 : The Oslo Accord, 20 Years Later
Elias Sanbar (Palestinian Ambassador at UNESCO, poet)
Friday, 6 December at 20:30 : The Right to Return
Sandrine Mansour-Merien (Historian, Researcher at CRHIA - University of Nantes)
Saturday, 7 December at 20:30 : Pillage of Water in Palestine
Pierre Berthelot (Researcher at IPSE)
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