Screening date: 26-11-2007 -- 20h30
Apres la guerre, c'est toujours la guerre...
On the road in Lebanon during the summer of 2006 when the 33-day war broke out, the director left France with a French delegation supporting the Lebanese resistance and at first gives us an eyewitness look at what happened as seen by the people encountered while the bombs were falling on Beirut.
Approached by Handicap International, he continued to film after the war heading south to investigate the type of artillery weapons Israel launched by the millions during the last few days of the bombing…Production: L'yeux Ouverts/Video De Poche L'yeux Ouverts
Tel: +33 (0)6 80 63 39 65
Year: 2007
Director: Samir Abdallah
DigitalVidéo – color – 90 min
Filmography: Samir Abdallah
Drôle d'oiseau (1985 – 15mn)
Voyages au pays de la Peuge (1991 – 60 mn)
Laisse pas béthon ! (1992 – 60 mn)
Chronique du Dragon (1995 – 52 mn)
Ballade des sans-papiers, La (1997 – 60 mn)
1948, l'expulsion (1998 - 52 mn)
Nous retournerons un jour (1999 – 60 mn)
Chronique d'un siège - Ramallah, avril 2002 (2003 - )
Écrivains des frontières - Un voyage en Palestine(s) (2004 – 60 mn)
Quo va dis? (2005 – 140 mn)
Après la guerre, c'est toujours la guerre (2007 – 90 mn)
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Samir Abdallah was born in 1959 in Copenhagen, Denmark (Danish mother, Egyptian father). He has been living in France since the age of six and is today a French citizen. He has been directing documentary films and reportages since 1983.After collaborating with the IM'Media Agency for ten years, specialized in immigration and urban cultures where he produced and directed a line of reportages for the show "Rencontres" on the French television channel France 3, he founded the association "l'Yeux ouverts". This association organizes directing and programming workshops to develop a public reflection regarding the images that represent reality and imagination.
Since 1994, he has run an international network of public film and documentary programmes expressing a critical point of view on the contemporary world.
In May 2001, he coordinated with a group of friends the "international civil campaign for the protection of the Palestinian people" which organizes civil missions un Palestine and Israel. More than 3000 people were involved until the winter of 2002.